Growing up in Manchester I've always loved Vintage, I can remember checking out Affleck's Palace every Saturday in my lunch hour (Saturday job) and finding one off pieces that I could wear out that night to the Hacienda, great memories but boy times have changed! I still have a wardrobe of Vintage pieces (dresses and handbags mainly) that I love.
In our world of little Instagram squares its nice to find something that's beautiful, the tailoring is second to none and you are guaranteed its a one off and you'll see no-one else in it. So to have La Shopette, in Marlow run by the lovely Jackie is amazing! In Summer I found two classic dresses that I love (small ditsy print and a black lace) and I have to say a huge thank you as Jackie gave me free reign to grab lots of black dresses for the recent Girls Night In Well-Being event. I have my eye on two, I'm not divulging which ones!
It's not just all about La Shopette with her dedication to her family and grandchildren and her wonderful work with young people international aid agency YCare International, an arm of the YMCA.
Jackie is so kind, happy all the time, smiley, she loves chatting to people (old school customer service) and she is so passionate about vintage, finding the right pieces and displaying them in her wonderful treasure trove. If you get chance, drop by and find something wonderful...
Tell me, a little bit about yourself…
I’ve always been passionate about clothes and La Shopette has allowed me the indulgence of working for myself, while doing something I love.

Why La Shopette?
I ran the Marlow Antiques and Vintage Fayre, in Liston Hall, for 3 years before setting up La Shopette and I also organised Vintage and Craft Fayres in Marlow.

What's your usual week / day look like?
La Shopette is open from Wednesday to Saturday, from 10am till 5pm and I spend Mondays and Tuesdays sourcing stock and visiting potential sellers.
What inspires you?
My inspiration springs from my desire for self-fulfilment and contentment, while spreading a little happiness along the way.
What did you want to be growing up?
While at school I always wanted to be a forensic scientist, as I was good at maths and sciences, but when my dad informed me that this might involve dead bodies I decided that I’d rather be an Air Hostess!

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievement, work wise, was delivering a speech at the Houses of Parliament and accepting an achievement award in the House of Lords on behalf of the young people I’d encouraged to become involved with the international aid agency YCare International, an arm of the YMCA.

What’s next on your to do list?
Next on my ‘to do’ list is to get a bit more social media savvy and grow La Shopette’s presence on-line.
When are you happiest?
I’m at my happiest with my family, relaxing with my grandchildren (that’s a contradiction in terms!) and enjoying their company.

When was the last time you laughed out loud?
Last time I laughed out loud was about 5 minutes ago, when one of my customers was describing her facial expression after having botox treatment. We were in fits of giggles.
How as women, can we help to empower others?
I feel that as a grandmother to two girls I am able to guide them and give them a sense of self worth and empowerment by setting them a good example with a ‘can do’ attitude.
What’s your style?
My style is a bit quirky and laid back, stemming from my hippie youth.
Guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure is chocolate!

Life motto?
My life motto is ‘If you do what you always do, you get what you’ve always got’ so change it!
Can’t live without…
I can’t live without the love of my family (and mascara!)

Jackie Small
Tel 07925119515