As you can see from all these wonderful pictures Ciaran is one of the happiest people I've met, luckily for me I met her at the @stylishschoolrun launch at Sweaty Betty as she was mucking in when we ran out of booze! After chatting and hearing her story (she invested everything in Purestretch to follow her dream) I knew there and then that I wanted to cover her and Purestretch in my Friday Feature and I really wanted to train with her in my 'Get out of my Comfort Zone' events. Training with her last week was amazing, Purestretch Henley is not only a beautiful gem of a space in Henley, its a wonderful studio with al the equipment you need for stretch and barre. Ciaran's class was amazing, power stretch movements making me feel not only stretched but hot and like I've completed a great core workout! If need to find a way to add this to my weekly exercise routine! Her dream of being her own boss has become a reality through hard work, touch times, tears, exhaustion, fear of failure and now Purestretch has grown into huge success with over 700 instructors, classes, and online workouts. You only live once, grab it with both hands and live your dreams. This week, it's a real privilege to have Ciaran as my Friday Feature....
Tell me, a little bit about yourself…
I’m from County Cork in Southern Ireland and come from a fab family of 5. Two younger sisters and two older brothers. My Mum is an incredibly strong, upbeat woman and brought us up on her own, whilst running her own printing business…not an easy thing to do back then! Because of our upbringing, myself and my siblings are all hard workers with a great sense of humour .. the two go very well together!

How did you get into Purestretch?
I love how exercise makes you feel… happy in your body and happy in your head. So as a gym enthusiast I thought it would be a great idea to get paid for what I love doing and became a fitness instructor over 26 years ago! As time went on and my body began to feel the aches and pains of overexertion and age? … I decided to train as a yoga teacher and then a Pilates teacher … and then created purestretch.
Why Purestretch?
Your body loves a good stretch and who doesn’t love a great core and maybe that’s all you want, not accompanied by the holistic nature of yoga and the precision and concentration of Pilates. Purestretch is my simple concept .. Lengthen and strengthen the entire body in a fun environment! I have over 700 Instructors trained in the UK and the list is getting longer!

What's your usual week / day look like?
Crazy! I have 4 kids, 2 businesses and my gorgeous dog. I won’t bore you with the details but as you can imagine by the end of the day .. I really deserve that glass of wine!
What inspires you?
People who take risks!
What did you want to be growing up?
I always wanted to be my own Boss, I had no idea whilst growing up what that would entail but always knew it would happen.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Obviously my children but … the second greatest ..Purestretch

What’s next on your to do list?
I’ve just turned 50, my business is a success, my kids are getting older and have become more independent. I met the love of my life 2 years ago, married him this year and we have just bought a fab campervan called “The Tiny House” Soon it will be time to feel young again, hit the road and just go where the sun or snow takes us!

When are you happiest?
When I feel life is balanced .. happy house, happy kids and happy hubbie.
When was the last time you laughed out loud?
Every single day .. without a doubt! I work with a fantastic bunch of woman, who have a wicked sense of humour and a great attitude to life. Work hard so you can enjoy the play!

How as women, can we help to empower others?
Love, listen and laugh lots. Life is short and sometimes its really tough so you need good friends just to listen to your mad rants, to hold your hand and help you see the fun in life. My Mum was amazing when I first started my business. I was a divorcee, who had taken the huge risk of selling the house/kids home! to fund the studio and there were times life would hit rock bottom for me. I’d arrive to work park up outside the studio in the early hours of the morning and phone my poor Mum in tears, I felt exhausted, beaten and that I had failed ..but by the end of our long babbling conversation I’d have a big smile on my face and head up those studio stairs to start another days work!
What’s your style?
Fashion sense? I’m a bit Boho ..
Guilty pleasure?
It’s got to be my white wine in an evening! And always bubbly on a Friday ; )
Life motto?
Be true to yourself and really try not take life too seriously, you only live it once!

Can’t live without…
My kids, My man, my amazing friends and my bubbly on a Friday afternoon!
For more details on Purestretch and the classes they run contact Ciaran @:

The Purestetch Studio @ Health Hub of Henley, 45 Market Place, Henley on Thames RG9 2AA
Tel 01491 577107