Launching @stylishschoolrun, I wanted to have dedicated page for local, talented women
to celebrate, support and build a local community of empowered women. Sonia isn't local but hey 'its my website and I'll post if I want to'. As you'll probably agree I had to feature Sonia Stegemann. Sonia is an /react-text Art student from Germany, her amazing talent is to create these wonderfully cute illustrations in her free time. This is what she has created for #stylishschoolrun website.

Thanks to Sonia for creating a Thank you gift for Aggy and a Happy Birthday for Angie.

Describe your style of illustration?
I love drawing cute girls in their natural habitat. But I´m still looking for my own artistic voice and experimenting with style and motives.
What inspires you?
Girls who have their own unique style. I discover them on the street, on Pinterest and Instagram. Those are great platforms to discover and collect pictures that inspire me.

What did you want to be growing up?
I´ve always wanted to do something that involves being creative. In my early teens I dreamed about becoming a manga artist. Many artists I know started out this way and got into drawing by watching shows like Sailor Moon or Card Captor Sakura and wanting to draw cute girls like that.

What do you consider as your greatest achievement?
Finally coming to terms with the fact that I have to make mistakes to grow. Nobody just wakes up one day and draws like the professional artists you see on Instagram. It takes hard work and a lot of really bad drawings to get better.
What´s next on your to do list?
Finishing my diploma in graphic design.
When are you happiest?
Being at home with my cat on free weekends and drawing all day.
When was the last time you laughed out loud?
At work, when someone used the word 'petting' in a real sentence.
How as women, can we help to empower others?
Don´t look at other women or people in general as competition. Support and encourage each other to grow. The talent of someone else isn´t the absence of yours, it should inspire you and make you push your limits.

What´s your style?
All things 90´s and aliens
Guilty Pleasure?
Watching old episodes of Pretty Little Liars and doodling along.
Life motto?
I guess 'do your own thing, take each step at a time and surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you feel good.'
Can´t live without?
My Moleskine!!
For illustration commissions contact Sonia
Follow and direct mail Sonia on Instagram